Dear FPS Families:
The District is currently launching the search process for the next Director of Expanded Learning Time. If you want to participate in the Interview Committee, be sure to apply by March 26, 2025.
Interview Committee Applications:
English: Director of Expanded Learning Time (ELT) Screening/Interview Committee Application
Spanish: Solicitud para el comité de entrevistas del Director/a de Tiempo de Aprendizaje Extendido (ELT)
Portuguese: Comitê de entrevistas para contratação no cargo de Diretor(a) de Tempo de Aprendizagem Expandido (ELT)
Thank you,
Want to be part of a team that will help with the process of identifying the new leadership for the Department of Expanded Learning Time? This is an important opportunity to engage in a collaborative process that will help us determine the next Director of Expanded Learning Time. Framingham Public Schools (FPS) encourages you to express your interest to serve in this critical process.
We are seeking up to 6 volunteers to serve on the Round 2 Interview Committee. We are hoping the Committee will consist of parents/community members, ELT staff educators, and administrators. Members selected for this part of the process will conduct in-person 30-minute interviews with selected candidates and assess their performance (Round 1), making recommendations for Round 2. Candidates who move to Round 2 will be asked to complete tasks/present outcomes to the Committee. At the end of Round 2, selected candidates will proceed to Round 3 and interview with the Superintendent and his Cabinet, who will determine a finalist.
If you wish to be considered for the Interview Committee, please complete this Application BY March 26, 2025. Screening/Interview Committees will be notified on March 27, 2025.
English: Director of Expanded Learning Time (ELT) Screening/Interview Committee Application
Spanish: Solicitud para el comité de entrevistas del Director/a de Tiempo de Aprendizaje Extendido (ELT)
Portuguese: Comitê de entrevistas para contratação no cargo de Diretor(a) de Tempo de Aprendizagem Expandido (ELT)
All Interview Committee members must undergo a full training, which includes an anti-bias training, and commit to a significant amount of time. Committee members will have work to complete outside of designated meeting times and MUST attend ALL meetings for their respective Round and stay the ENTIRE time. All meetings will be IN PERSON. Coverage will be provided for educators by the District, where possible.
Orientation & Questions Development: April 2, 2-4pm (at Farley)
Round 1 Interviews: (4-5 individuals) April 3, 2-4pm (at Farley)
Round 2 Project/Tasks Interviews: (2 individuals, 45 min) April 9, 12-3 pm (at Farley)
In rare circumstances, dates will need to change to ensure a better pool of applicants; in such a case, an announcement will be made as soon as possible.
It is very important for us to have a diverse screening committee that celebrates and mirrors the diversity of our students. Please complete the application BY March 26, 2025.
Bob Tremblay
Superintendent of Schools