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FHS Clubs Directory

FHS Clubs

Group of people singing
A cappella Club

Meeting Time: Wednesday & Fridays 2;4:15pm: H104
Advisor: Ethan Lobenstine
Student Officer(s): Anna Adams, Archie Tobar-Fawley, William Carrasco, Isabella Medina, Carlyn Nestor

Art Club for students at FHS after school.

Art Club

Club Currently not running

Description: The purpose of Art Club/National Art Honor Society is for inspiring, recognizing and empowering those students who have shown an outstanding interest, ability and work ethic in visual arts.
Student Officer(s): Isabelle Abany (President)

Global Map

Asian Student Association

Meeting Time: Thursday 2-3:30PM : E204

Advisor: Mr. Sullivan

Description: The Asian Student Association is a student organization at Framingham High School that was founded to advocate and raise awareness for the normalized racism and xenophobia against the AAPI community. We strive to create an environment where Asian students can feel not only accepted, but understood by other peers with similar experiences. We hope that students of all ethnic backgrounds will foster a greater understanding and appreciation of Asian culture, and learnW to cultivate pride with their own culture in a world that scorns and erases differences. Not only do we focus on Asian culture, we also expand upon and discuss current events and topics regarding the AAPI community. Now, more than ever, having an outlet to express varying opinions without judgment has become necessary, and our club provides students with the opportunity to do so. We have devoted student officers with a passion for these topics, spending hours planning and creating, so that the club can flourish. We encourage anyone who is interested in learning about different cultures and has a passion for speaking out on problems happening throughout the world to join!

Student Officer(s): Mia Homann

hand gesture photo
ASL Club

Meeting Time: Fridays: D212
Advisor: David Johnston
Student Officer(s): Brenna McCarthy, Nat Carson (Presidents)


Stargazing photo

Astronomy Club

Meeting Time: Monday 2pm: A215
Advisor: Evan Leto

Description: The purpose of the Astronomy Club is to engage students who are interested in or who want to learn more about the wonders of space. We discuss the latest theories involving our expanding universe and dive into the depths of the astronomical world. Join this club to open your mind to the unknowns of the cosmos.

Student Officer(s): Lila Wolf-Wagner


Best buddies picture

Best Buddies

Meeting Time: TBD
Advisor(s): Kate Buck and Kaitlin Burkle
Student Officer(s): Andrew Feinblatt


Book photo

Bible Study Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2-3pm: E200
Advisor: Madelyn Malieswski
Student Officer(s): Sarah Machado Lopez & Angelina Nakiberu

Black Student Union photo
Black Student Union

Meeting Time: Every other Monday 2:15-3PM : E104

Advisor(s): Jamaal Dixon

Description: Our mission is to support the social, cultural, and academic needs of Black students. We welcome ALL students to have a safe space to express themselves and discuss important topics relating to race, ethnicity, politics, culture, and personal experiences.

Student Officer(s): Mia Jacobs (President) and Ky McGee (Vice-President)


Bring Change 2 Mind
Bring Change 2 Mind

Meeting Time: Wednesdays (1x a month): F205
Advisor: Heather Conroy
Student Officer(s): Maya Zarif

Cancer Kids First (CKF)
Cancer Kids First (CKF)

Meeting Time: Every other Monday 2-3PM: C118
Advisor: Matthew Corcoran
Student Officer(s): Kanwardeep Singh Randhawa, Jessie Zheng

Ceramics Club
Ceramics Club

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2-3:15: J020
Advisor(s): Katey Millman 
Description: Ceramics club is an inclusive club that welcomes all students to come explore working with clay! No experience is necessary! Stop by anytime to learn handbuilding techniques, wheel throwing and glazing. Student leaders will be available to introduce you to the studio and set you up with tools.
Student Officer(s): Ryn Noble & Janie Harris (Co-Presidents)

Chica Project Club
Chica Project Club

Meeting Time: Wednesdays: Closed classroom in the Library
Advisor: Annie Jean-Baptiste, M.Ed - Chica Project Company


Class of 2025
Class of 2025

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2:15-3:00PM: A107
Advisor(s): Natalya Mains and Courtney Hicks
Description: Fundraise for the class- Bring the class together- Community building- Organize class events
Student Officer(s): Jordan Cohen, Robert (Jonah) Sisitsky, Shelby Kiklis, Samantha Gee, Eva Dillon


Class of 2026
Class of 2026

Meeting Time: Thursdays After School: F207
Advisor(s): Caitlin Alcid and Brook Beard
Description: Fundraise for the class- Bring the class together- Community building- Organize class events
Student Officer(s): Emma Devlin, Sonia Fanous, Maryam Rifki, Genesis Rodriguez, Vini Silva

Class of 2027
Class of 2027

Meeting Time: Wednedays at 2pm in C218
Advisor(s): Emily Rathmell and Lauren Pelland

The Steering Committee of the Class of 28 organizes fundraising and social events for the class.

Class of 2028

Meeting time: Tuesdays, F105

Advisor(s): Shea Pugh

Description: The Steering Committee of the Class of 28 organizes fundraising and social events for the class.


Computer Science Club
Computer Science Club

Meeting Time: TMonday 2-3PM: C207
Advisor: Grace Seiche
Description: The Computer Science Club is a place for students interested in programming and technology to further their knowledge and foster interest in these concepts throughout the high school.
Student Officer(s): Hartej Anand


Countries for People
Countries for People

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2-3: C116
Advisor: Matthew Corcoran
Student Officer(s): William Carrasco

Crochet & Knitting Club
Crochet & Knitting Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2-3: F207
Advisor(s): Caitlin Alcid  
Description: Our club's mission is to create an inclusive space for students to learn to crochet/knit as well as provide the resources for them to create freely without financial burden or create to for a cause (donate scarves, hats, etc. to charity or a cause)
Student Officer(s):  Emma Rothstein & Talia Salls

Debate Team
Debate Team

Meeting Time: Mondays 2:00-3:00: E102
Advisor: Trevor Olson
Description: The purpose of Debate Team is to encourage students to participate in activities that improve research skills, organization of evidence and ideas, critical thinking and analysis, and public speaking and argumentation of a current-day topic of interest. Debate Team allows students to complete in-depth research on both sides of the topic, then during the debate, work on how to defend and advocate for their assigned side of the topic. Students gain valuable experience in research, questioning, critical thinking, and public speaking.

Drama Company
Drama Company

Meeting Time: Mondays at 2pm Rehearsals for Shows: Theatre
Advisor: Chris Brindley
Description: The internationally acclaimed, award winning Framingham High School Drama Company is celebrating it's 21st year! Every year the FHSDC puts on 3-4 mainstage shows including, a fall play, winter musical, and a 40-minute METG festival entry in March.
Student Officer(s): Annabel Francis, Elizabeth St. Louis, Timmy Beverly, Mary Sullivan, Tessa Varley
Click here website


Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons

Meeting Time: Fridays 2-4ish: D208
Advisor: Am Cecil Fuoti
Student Officer(s): Sean Memmott & Matthew Schneider (co-presidents), Ethan Leung (VP), Dexter Noggle (Secretary), Eleanor Felton (Treasurer)


Culinary Club is a place for students to explore different cooking and baking methods.  Students learn basic kitchen skills and try different foods.  It's for students who have some experience cooking or no experience cooking.


Meeting Time: Tuesday 2-3:30PM:  F105

Culinary Club is a place for students to explore different cooking and baking methods.  Students learn basic kitchen skills and try different foods.  It's for students who have some experience cooking or no experience cooking.    



 The (Not) Book Club serves as a social club where we can discuss literature, books, and everything to do with reading! We read a book about every month and we do this through a vote from all our members. You are free to come and go as you please and we are very understanding of time limitations you have for reading due to school or otherwise. Anyone can join and we are always welcoming towards new members.

The (Not) Book Club

Meeting: Mondays after school. F208

Description: The (Not) Book Club serves as a social club where we can discuss literature, books, and everything to do with reading! We read a book about every month and we do this through a vote from all our members. You are free to come and go as you please and we are very understanding of time limitations you have for reading due to school or otherwise. Anyone can join and we are always welcoming towards new members.

Advisor: Sarah Leigh


E-Sports for studenets after schools

Meeting Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2-4PM : A212
Advisor(s): Michael Campbell 
Student Officer(s): Thomason Carson (President), Pedro Moura (VP)

Environmental Awareness Club
Environmental Awareness Club

Meeting Time: Thursdays 2pm: A114
Advisor(s): Rebecca May and Emily Rathmell
Description: The Environmental Awareness Club at Framingham High School was founded in 2018 by a group of environmentally concerned students and faculty. We work to bring awareness to environmental issues through education and outreach. Our club members meet with various school leadership teams to develop and implement more sustainable options in our district and with community members to help improve the health of the environment in Framingham. It is our hope that if we continue to educate students, staff, and community members about the impact their choices have on the environment we will inspire positive changes that will lead to a brighter tomorrow.
Student Officer(s): Riley Kiklis and Ethan Cox

FHS against violence
FHS against violence

Meeting Time: Every other Monday 2:15-3: C118
Advisor: Emily Miller
Student Officer(s):  Topher McGarry, Sage Wolff (VP), Izzy Eeson, Ethan Luong


FHS Studios - Flyer News
FHS Studios - Flyer News

Meeting Time: Mon-Fri 6:30am (Fri 2:00pm): J007
Advisor: Miguel Carreiro
Description: The Club's mission is to provide news for the school and town produced by Students from Framingham High School.
Student Officer(s): Kanwar Singh, Jackson Zweil, Ethan Cox,  Logan Swift, Prisha Ray
Framingham High Studios Youtube Channel

Film Club for students after schoool
Film Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2:15--3:30/4: E100
Advisor: Jeff Bruce
Student Officer(s): Geo Florian & Lila Wolf-Wagner

French Club
French Club

Meeting Time: Mondays 2-2:30PM: B203
Advisor(s): Karen Hennelly and Dyan Lally
Student Officer(s): Chloé Caterson (President), Sonia Fanous (VP)

Girls in STEAM
Girls in STEAM

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2-2:30PM:  C118
Advisor: Emily Miller
Student Officer(s): Hailey Hohenstein


Greater Good in Action / Period
Greater Good in Action / Period

Meeting Time: Mondays 2 - 3: E214
Advisor: Melissa Wittemen Stoller
Description: The club encompasses the Save Promise Club of Sandy Hook Promise and FHS community projects like the clothing closet, menstrual product distribution, and mental health initiatives. Each month we focus on a different issue that our community faces (ex: Breast Cancer in October, hunger during November). Students participate in activities that bring awareness and/or collect donations for various charities.
Student Officer(s): Anaya Ray

GSA - Gender & Sexuality Alliance
GSA - Gender & Sexuality Alliance

Meeting Time: Thursdays 2:15: A215
Advisor: Evan Leto
Description: Framingham High School GSA is a student Gender & sexuality Alliance at Framingham High School that is dedicated to creating safer schools in the Framingham Public School district for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) youth and their allies.  There are four areas in which FHS GSA feels its mission lies:- Educating the Framingham Public School Community (staff, faculty, and students) about homophobia, bullying and other issues and events that affect LGBTQIA+ youth to ensure a safer and more respectful learning environment for all students at the High School.- Creating a safe and supportive social environment for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies to meet weekly to discuss current and relative LGBTQIA+ issues that are pertinent in their everyday lives. - Creating an interactive network with organizations within the Framingham Community, other High School GSAs, and adult LGBTQIA+ organizations.- Supporting the Tammy Weiser Scholarship for 1 or 2 seniors who have been active in issues concerning civil rights and safety for our LGBTQIA+ youth.
Student Officer(s): Topher McGarry, Alexandra Podolskaya, Reese Annabelle Davies, Atlas Feaster, Sara Wolff

Improv Club
Improv Club

Indoor Winds and Guard Club
Indoor Winds and Guard Club

Meeting Time: Tuesday/Thursdays 4-7PM and Select Weekends: H-102
Advisor: Andy Jasinski
Student Officer(s): Charlie Guillaume and Max Donoghue


Jazz Band for students after school
Jazz Band

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2-5PM: H102
Advisor: Andy Jasinski

Jewish Student Union
Jewish Student Union

Meeting Time: Mondays 2:05 - 2:30: D206
Advisor: Kate Goldfarb
Description: The goal of the Jewish Student Union is to foster a community among Jewish students at FHS. We review Jewish holidays as they occur and discuss various traditions and values. We want to educate our members about the antisemitism in our community and globally, while also providing an open space where people can share their happy and positive experiences as a Jew. Additionally, we are fully open to allowing people who are not Jewish join if they would like to learn and discuss with us. Our primary focus will be creating an open, safe space where our members can feel comfortable expressing their ideas and asking questions when they want to learn more about any topics we discuss. In light of recent events, it is necessary to create a space where students can come together and unpack what they have been through. It is a wonderful occurrence when people are able to relate in any capacity and it allows for us, as students, to create lasting friendships with one other. If you are interested in joining or have any questions feel free to reach out or message on our Instagram: @fhsjewishstudentunion
Student Officer(s): Sam Perlman, Charles Sherer

Key Club for students after school
Key Club

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2-3:B102
Advisor: Christopher Finan
Description: Key Club members perform acts of service in our community, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives.Key Club is an international student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
Student Officer(s): Dayana Alvarado Perez (President), Elizabeth Avadanian (VP), Zianna Odogwu (Treasurer), Katie Martinez (Secretary)

Latinx en Acciundefinedn
Latinx en Acción

Meeting Time: Tuesdays, 2:05 - 3:00: C204
Advisor: Patricia Bosch
Description: The purpose of this group is to empower our Latinx students to become engaged in their education and their school.  This group services our Latinx students in grades 9th to 12th.  As a group, LEA members: are empowered as they're part of a common community and are encouraged to develop leadership skills, become positive role models for themselves and others; experience different aspects of cultural life; participate in after school activities, and are provided with a supportive environment where students may nurture one another; are motivated to succeed academically and think beyond high school.
Student Officer(s): Lunah Semprum, Dorothy Villeda


Marching Band
Marching Band

Meeting Time: Tuesdays/Thursdays 4-7PM and Select Weekends: H102 + outside
Advisor: Andy Jasinski
Student Officer(s): Isabel Feudo

Math Team for students after school
Math Team

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2-3: D112
Advisor: Karen Strader
Description: To engage in rigorous competition math and prepare for meets in the Greater Boston Math League.  Framingham students who participate in the math team view the Greater Boston Math League math meets as an integral part of their high school extracurricular experience.  Students are bonded by their desire to practice recreational mathematics and the math team gives them an outlet to pursue their mathematical interests.
Student Officer(s): Matthew Koltenuk


Medical Society Club
Medical Society Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2 - 3 (other than days NHS meets): C218
Advisor:  Lauren Pelland
Student Officer(s):  Kandhawar Randhawa (President), Vanessa Finder (VP), Zoe Rabinovitz (Communications/Marketing/Chair Membership), Ethan Luong (Programming Chair), Taylor Pereira (Promotions)

Model Congress
Model Congress

Meeting Time: Thursdays 2-3: E101
Advisor: Trevor Olson
Description: Model Congress is a club that gathers weekly to prepare for conferences throughout the year. For these Model Congress conferences, students choose their committees and write bills to create solutions for public interest issues in the United States and around the world. To prepare for the conferences, students work together to research, write, publish, and debate their bills. It is not necessary to be passionate about politics, since most students can find at least one issue that sparks their interest. At the conferences, students work with other high school students to debate, amend, and vote for bills created by each participant. Run by college students, each conference is completely student-centered, and it is a great opportunity to meet people from all over the country!
Student Officer(s): Hamza Rhadfi, Devin Cox


Our mission is to support Brazilian students' social, cultural, academic, and other basic needs. We welcome ALL students to have a safe space to express themselves and discuss important topics relating to Brazilian culture, experience, and sense of belonging. We want to raise awareness of the Brazilian experience and promote a more inclusive Framingham High School community.  Officers: Debora da Vitoria & Jennifer de Moura

Brazilian Club

Meeting time: Wednesdays 2PM-3PM in E104

Advisor: Danielle Pimenta

     Description: Our mission is to support Brazilian students' social, cultural, academic, and other basic needs. We welcome ALL students to have a safe space to express themselves and discuss important topics relating to Brazilian culture, experience, and sense of belonging. We want to raise awareness of the Brazilian experience and promote a more inclusive Framingham High School community.

    Officers: Debora da Vitoria & Jennifer de Moura



Purpose: Encourage kids and teenagers to spend less time on electronics and donating goods to children in need.












Unplugged Youth 

Meeting Time: Mondays 2-3PM. Room E108

Advisor: Lisa Barnes 

Kelly Zepeda & Healey Kibuuka – Student Leaders

Description: Encourage kids and teenagers to spend less time on electronics and donating goods to children in need.



The purpose of this club is to promote leadership and action. We will provide you with the tools and theory needed to become a successful change maker, activist, and community organizer. We brainstorm ideas and take action. The goal of our club is to promote positive change within FHS through group and individual justice campaigns and Action Plans.

Social Justice Club

Meeting: Wednesdays after school. A215

Description: The purpose of this club is to promote leadership and action. We will provide you with the tools and theory needed to become a successful change maker, activist, and community organizer. We brainstorm ideas and take action. The goal of our club is to promote positive change within FHS through group and individual justice campaigns and Action Plans.

Advisor: Evan Leto


Model UN for students after school
Model UN

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2-2:45PM. E210
Advisor(s): Susan Corcoran, Caryn Dlott
Description: To engage students in trying to solve the world's problems through role play. We prepare and compete at two conferences a year.
Student Officer(s): Elliott Savelle, Lila Wolf-Wagner

Morgan's Message
Morgan's Message

Meeting Time: Tuesdays: A200 (Welcome Academy Office)
Advisor: Sarah Trayers
Description: Morgan’s Message® strives to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community and equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics. We aim to expand the dialogue on mental health by normalizing conversations, empowering those who suffer in silence, and supporting those who feel alone.
Student Officer(s): Madison Rieder & Anna DeBonis
morgansmessage website

Music Production
Music Production

Meeting Time: Mondays: K002
Advisor(s): Julie O'Leary and Isaiah Mendez
Student Officer(s): Jonel Rivera, Jake Abrams

National Honor Society (NHS)
National Honor Society (NHS)

Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the Month: Café
Advisor(s): Susan Corcoran and Shane Galvin
Description: To have an organized group of students who are intellectual, of good character, leaders, and committed to community service. NHS is committed to community service in the school and community.

Quiz Show Club
Quiz Show Club

Meeting Time: D206
Advisor: Kate Goldfarb
Student Officer(s): Devin Cox, Matt Kolteneuk, Ethan Luong

Red Cross Club
Red Cross Club

Meeting Time: Every other Thursday 2:15-3: C118
Advisor: Emily Miller
Student Officer(s): Nida Syed (President), Ashley Karikari (Vice President), Ashley Nsiah (Tresurer), Nikkita Neff (Secretary), Miles Wennik (Committee Lead)


Repertory Dance Ensemble
Repertory Dance Ensemble

Meeting Time: Monday-Friday  2-5PM. K109
Advisor:  Rebecca Rolleri
Student Officer(s): Angelina Gonzalez Griffin (President), Izzie Cole (VP), Samantha Silk (Treasurer), Isabella Eeson (Secretary)

Robotics Club
Robotics Club

Meeting Time: Build sessions are M-F 2-5 pm: K006
Advisor: Peter Erbland
Description: The main goal of the Framingham High School Robotics Club is to learn, discover, innovate, and challenge ourselves in a competition environment to develop a community of students passionate about science and technology with the skills and initiative to become the next generation of leaders and create positive change in their respective career fields.More information can be found at the official Robotics Club website:
Student Officer(s): Co-presidents: Josh Peace and Ben ZislinMedia: Nick SwanBusiness: Kanwar RandhawaTech Support: Liam Hebert
fhs-robotics website

Sewing Club
Sewing Club
Location: Wednesdays right after school.  F122
Advisor: Sheila Hevey
Student Officer(s): Melanie Cerin

Soccer Club
Soccer Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays (Begins in the Spring): Back Field
Advisor: Brasley - Brazil Elite Soccer Academy


Student Advisory Committee (SAC)
Student Advisory Committee (SAC)

Meeting Time: Tuesday 2:15-3:00: E109
Advisor: AJ Pave
Student Officer(s): Jordan Cohen, Sam Perlman, Hamza Rifki, Scarlett Creedon, William Jjuuko

Student DEI Club
Student DEI Club
Meeting time: Mondays at 2:00PM. E114
Advisor(s): Sean Glisten
Student Officer(s): Navya Mittal, Eleanor Lynch


Student Government
Student Government

Meeting Time: Tuesdays (Wednesdays): B205/B103
Advisor(s): Robin McAllister and Jen Abreu
Description: To provide opportunities within the school for students to plan student centered events, volunteering, and look at the school rules and make student recommendations to the staff.
Student Officer(s): Eleanor Lynch, Prisha Ray, Charlie Sherer, Vanessa Finder, Angeliki Kayas, Ethan Luong

Student Immigration Alliance
Student Immigration Alliance

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2:15-3:15: E102
Advisor: Jessie Jones (interim)
Description: The mission of the Framingham High School Student Immigration Alliance (SIA) Club is to provide information on legal rights and responsibilities, encourage positive political activism, promote opportunities for college and career planning, offer a supportive, safe space for immigrant students and their allies.
Student Officer(s): Navya Mittal, Eleanor Lynch

Tenacity Club
Tenacity Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays-Wednesday 2-3PM: Library
Advisor: Tyaisha Abdul-Aziz
Description: The Tenacity Challenge is an annual academic scholarship competition for teams of Latino and African-American students from urban and suburban high schools across Massachusetts. Teams of up to 6 students compete in four events.  Each team will determine its own division of labor in order to prepare for the four events: - Science and Math Quiz Bowl Challenge (Physics, Chemistry, Algebra I, Geometry) - Literature Response Challenge (Filmed Performance) - History Argument Challenge (Team will research and argue a position before judges) - Mural Challenge- artistic mural centered on a theme
Student Officer(s): Maya Jacobs and Ky McGee

Tennis Club
Tennis Club

Meeting Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Tennis Courts
Advisor: Michele Merrick 

The Hap (Newspaper Club)
The Hap (Newspaper Club)

Meeting Time: Wednesdays 2pm: E209
Advisor: Susan Corcoran

Writer's Club and Slam Poetry Club
Writer's Club and Slam Poetry Club

Meeting Time: Alternating Tuesdays (began on Sept. 26): F208
Advisor: Kristen Sanford
Description: Formally Open Verse, this club is devoted to helping young writers create publishable written works that will be published in an anthology at the end of the year. It also incorporates Louder than a Bomb, the annual state slam poetry contest; this portion is devoted to helping young performers and activists write, perform, and compete.
Student Officer(s): Topher McGarry

Yearbook Club
Yearbook Club

Meeting Time: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30–3:30: K009
Advisor: Ben Gaynor
Description: To catalog the year's events and memories for seniors.
Student Officer(s): Anna Adams


Chess club is a student-run club focusing on playing, learning, and appreciating the game of chess. Intra and interschool tournaments can be held depending on student interest. Beginners and experienced players are all welcome!


Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2-3PM, C115

Chess club is a student-run club focusing on playing, learning, and appreciating the game of chess. Intra and interschool tournaments can be held depending on student interest. Beginners and experienced players are all welcome! 



We organize campus cleanups in collaboration with other school clubs and strive to increase school-wide awareness on litter prevention." Thanks!

Keep Framingham Beautiful 

Meeting Time: Mondays after school. F206

Advisor: Peter Eliot

Description: We are a community of students engaged in cleanups, litter prevention, and environmental education with the goal of a cleaner, greener campus and neighborhood.

What we do: We organize campus cleanups in collaboration with other school clubs and strive to increase school-wide awareness on litter prevention.



The MOSS club is an in-school, on campus club of motivated and school safety-minded students. All club members have the same goal, to create a culture of school safety and inclusivity. These club members are the voice of the MOSS movement. Empowerment of todayundefineds youth is the best chance we have to make necessary changes in the world. undefinedyour voice is your power!undefined

MOSS ( Make Our Schools Safe)

Advisor: Noa HaLevi

Meeting time: Mondays after school. C115. 

Description: The MOSS club is an in-school, on campus club of motivated and school safety-minded students. All club members have the same goal, to create a culture of school safety and inclusivity. These club members are the voice of the MOSS movement. Empowerment of today’s youth is the best chance we have to make necessary changes in the world. “your voice is your power!”
